Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Welcome Back

Back to Sydney. Almost home. A strange sensation. Almost familiar.

The first thing that greeted me was the heat. Hot , hot, hot but surely not as hot as Singapore, far from it, but it sure feels hotter, just less muggy. I walk into the welcoming heat, with the low(er) humidity, this was actually much better than Singapore. At least there is a breeze.

The next thing that greeted me was a welcome back sms from someone whom (ironically) I've said goodbye to some 3 weeks ago before I left on my trip. Not completely unexpected but still not on familiar ground.

Lots of ideas, expectations, changes all round with the ushering in of the year of the Golden Pig. There is a palpable buzz in the air, I can feel it, I just don't know what's in store for me. Good things I hope...


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